Peer Benchmarking & Research

Understanding how your organisation stacks up against the competition is crucial for strategic planning and staying ahead. Polecat’s platform gives you the insights you need to benchmark your performance, understand industry standards, and identify areas for improvement.

How Polecat Helps You Benchmark and Research


Competitive Analysis

Gain a comprehensive view of how your organisation compares to key competitors. Polecat’s platform allows you to benchmark your performance across a range of metrics, from ESG practices to market sentiment, helping you identify strengths and areas where you can outperform the competition.


Industry Trends

Stay informed on the latest trends affecting your industry. Our platform tracks emerging trends and topics, giving you the context you need to understand how these developments impact your organisation and its peers. Use this information to adjust your strategies and stay ahead of industry shifts.

Performance Tracking

Performance Tracking

Monitor your progress over time with performance tracking that’s tailored to your needs. Whether it’s tracking your ESG impact, reputational health, or market share, Polecat provides the tools to measure your success and refine your strategies based on real-time data.

In-Depth Research Capabilities

Polecat’s platform goes beyond basic benchmarking, offering deep research capabilities that allow you to dive into the details of your industry and competitors. Conduct detailed analysis on specific topics, track the impact of major events, and explore how your organisation is perceived in comparison to others. Whether you’re preparing for a board meeting or developing a new strategic initiative, Polecat gives you the data-driven insights you need to make informed decisions.


Executive News Briefs: Stay on Top of the Competition

Executive News Briefs (ENBs) provide concise, real-time updates on critical issues directly to your inbox. These briefs summarise the most relevant data and insights from your competitors, ensuring executives are always informed about emerging risks and opportunities.


PolecatX: Your Personal Data Analyst

Imagine having a conversation with your data—no complex queries, no coding required. PolecatX is designed to help you explore trends, ask follow-up questions, and dive deeper into the insights that matter most, all in real-time.


Competitive Positioning

"How do we rank against our top three competitors in ESG performance?"
"What are our competitors doing better in terms of public perception?"

Trend Analysis? Just Ask:

"What are the emerging industry trends that could impact our market position?"
"How is the competition responding to these trends?"

Real-time Alerts? Just Ask:

"Notify me of any new discussions about regulatory changes that could impact our business."