Trends & Insights

Change is the only constant in today’s world, and knowing what’s coming next is key to staying competitive. With Polecat, you don’t just react to trends—you get ahead of them. Our platform delivers real-time insights that help you spot emerging opportunities and avoid potential pitfalls, keeping you on the cutting edge of your industry.

How Polecat Keeps You on Top of Trends & Insights

Spot Emerging Trends

Spot Emerging Trends

Be the first to know what’s coming. Polecat’s advanced AI scans millions of data points from social media, news, and beyond to pick up on the next big thing before it’s big. Whether it’s a shift in consumer behaviour, a new regulation, or a breakthrough technology, we’ll alert you so you can jump on it fast.

Track Fading Trends

Track Fading Trends

Don’t waste time on yesterday’s news. Polecat helps you keep tabs on trends that are losing steam, so you can refocus your energy on what’s really going to make an impact. Knowing what’s on its way out helps you stay agile and keep your strategies sharp.

Spend Time on What Matters

Spend Time on What Matters

Get the full story, not just the headlines. Polecat gives you the tools to dig deep into specific trends, understanding how they’re evolving and what’s driving them. Whether you’re planning a new product launch or tweaking your strategy, you’ll have the insights you need to make confident decisions. From sustainability practices to consumer sentiment shifts, we’ve got you covered.

Executive News Briefs: Trends Straight to Your Inbox

Executive News Briefs (ENBs) provide concise, real-time updates on topics and trends directly to your inbox. These briefs summarise the most relevant data and insights from your industry, ensuring you're always informed about emerging risks and opportunities.


PolecatX: Your Data Concierge

Imagine having a conversation with your data—no complex queries, no coding required. PolecatX is designed to help you explore trends, ask follow-up questions, and dive deeper into the insights that matter most, all in real-time.


Finding the Next Big Thing? Just Ask:

"What’s trending in our industry that we should know about?"
"Which new technologies are our competitors adopting?"

Want the Full Picture? Just Ask:

"How are ESG practices evolving in our sector?"
"What’s driving the recent shift in consumer preferences?"

Want to Stay Updated? Just Ask:

"Let me know if there’s any big change in the trends affecting our market."